April 6 2025 - The Brutalist (18)
Join us for a screening of The Brutalist(18) in the Screening Room on 6th April 2025 at 2 PM.
When visionary architect László Toth and his wife Erzsébet flee Europe to rebuild their legacy and witness the birth of modern America, their lives are changed forever by a mysterious and wealthy client. The seemingly charming industrialist Harrison Van Buren offers László and his family the American Dream on a silver platter by commissioning him to design a grand modernist monument and help shape the landscape of the country he now calls home. It will be the most ambitious project of his career, one that will take László and Erzsébet to both monumental heights and devastating lows.
This film will being at 2pm and includes a 15 minute interval
Run time: 3hr 34 minutes
Please note that our screenings are for our resident guests and Friends of Heckfield. Friends will be provided with the link required to book in the monthly newsletter.
Resident guests can get in touch with us here to book.
If you're interested in becoming a Friend, please get in touch here.